Listed on Jan 31, 11:34PM / 2023 | 0 likes
FUNDRAISING FOR EDUCATIONAL TRIP TO ACEH (ETTA'23): MENELUSURI IBRAH Assalamualaikum wbt. EDUCATIONAL TRIP TO ACEH (ETTA'23): MENELUSURI IBRAH is a program which all participants will be visiting the campus compound particularly the area of education in Aceh, Indonesia to learn more about their culture and university. The visit will focusing on how Arabic and Islamic education developed there. There will be sharing session and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between IIUM representatives and Universitas UIN Ar-Ranniry. The details of the program are as follow: 📆 Date: 20-23 February 2023 🛣 Venue: Universitas UIN Ar-Ranniry and Pesantren Moderen Al-Manar, Aceh, Indonesia. The donation will be used for: 📦 Expenditure of programs, i.e: t-shirts, transportation and accommodations during programs 🖨 Publicity to promote the programs through banner, pamphlets and printing. Interested to help us collect the fund? Donation can be made as low as RM 1 through the link below: 🗳 Any inquiries, do contact: Br. Sibar: Sr. Husna:
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